Dream: Obama in Los Angeles Bank

8/15/23 I dreamed I saw Obama staggering drunk into a bank. He was fat and it almost looked like a body double. He had eaten and drank his fill. I was in LA near Santa Monica and Scott and I were warning ppl to get out of the city. We panicked because we thought a bomb was about to go off there. Scott and I were both yelling for ppl to get out of the city. The bank looked like a Santa Monica bank I used to bank at.

It’s no secret Obama is behind many of the bad decisions in our country and wants to sink America. He is a big player in the New World Order regime.

Obama staggering drunk means he is controlled by another spirit. Heading into the bank means he is about to do something major with finances. It’s under the influence of the enemy. Scott and I yelling for ppl to get out of the city has to do with whatever Obama was planning. Some sort of major “bomb”. A major even could be what cities will face when stocks and banks collapse. There will be mayhem in the cities.

3 responses to “Dream: Obama in Los Angeles Bank”

  1.  Avatar

    We are about to erupt into even more wars around the world and even more infectious diseases, parasites, etc. The over-population has left our lands filthy and blighted. There are parts of LA and SF that look as ravaged as the scenes of actual war in Ukraine or Israel. And that is because the war did hit our home – America – from and since 9/11/2001. Unfortunately, there is quite a bit of war and death to unfold before Jesus’ rebirth. We are among the soldiers of the right – good with God. There is a very strong possibility that you will believe to hear voices in your mind, or possibly even see things in your mind – there is no surprise that drug substances facilitate this. BUT – WARNING! Please listen not to what you believe you heard or saw, but rely ONLY upon your God gifted senses of hearing (through your ears), sight (through your eyes), taste, smell, touch – and yes, heart/soul-conscious. Within your stomach is your soul zone. People actually get fat easily and naturally because whether it is “healthy” or not, it protects the soul zone. Love one another and be kind! God is Good, and recovering the Kingdom of God in the Highest on Earth is the path to everlasting life and bliss like you wouldn’t believe – until you feel it for yourself in the soul zone (and it is more than a fresh home made meal)!

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  2.  Avatar

    I recently had a dream Obama was the antichrist. The dream is posted on my youtube channel ‘Gods women of war”. In the dream they were trying to cause us to drink from a cup that would cause you to worship Obama. They were giving people 4 days to decide to accept or reject the mark of the beast. Those that refused were killed. God bless you family, Shalom

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    1. Kristin Mitchell Avatar

      Wow that’s a very telling dream. I’ve heard many say that and have a few others about him posted on my blog. Thank you I’ll check it out! Jesus is coming!!! 🌪️🌪️🌪️


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