
Went to take a nap and had a dream that waves were starting to sweep Santa Barbara and a possible tsunami (symbol of destruction) was coming or brewing. The Lord showed me if I pray against it it won’t be as bad here. I could feel The Holy Spirit in me crying and praying- groaning. No words were even necessary. ****What we pray now is very important.

The Lord then took me to a movie theater (similar to when He told me to be like Jonah) and showed me tsunami waves coming towards Hendry’s and all the ppl there. He told me to raise my hands and worship and pray that it would not come near us.

Next, I am praying and looking for the waves. I see kids surfing these pre tsunami waves. They had no understanding of what they were and how destructive this could turn. I grab a girl near me to pray w me. We could see tsunami like waves forming but they couldn’t harm anyone because our fervent prayer held them back. I felt The Holy Spirit strong. I knew it was of The Lord as a warning. I heard this girl say….”How we pray now determines our future.” When things go bad and destruction hits we will wish we had prayed fervently for that day.

The greatest frustration I have personally is that most Christians are not interested in hearing these warnings. They are taken as “fear mongering” rather than understanding they are sent through His Body to them to prepare them for what is coming. God is loving and good and ALWAYS prepares those who will listen. I’ve been warning of this since 2012.

One response to “Dream”

  1. Bob Avatar

    I have had the dream of the Earthquakes, Tsunamis against Southern California. There is an entity or country at war against us. My dreams reveal a total wipe out of Santa Monica. Strangely, I dream Sacramento and East will be safe havens.

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