February 2021. My mom was staying with me in February of 2021 as she was in hospice and preparing to go be with The Lord. She was very prophetic my entire life and God spoke to her clearly. She was an intercessor for 40 years. She had a heart for America and prayed daily for God to redeem and protect us. She had an interesting dream about a week before she died. In the dream she was at a rose ceremony (similar to that of The Bachelor) In the ceremony Joe Biden was giving a rose to China. He was telling everyone that they would come in and help us as America was a mess. He thought China had it together and we could learn from what they’ve done. My mom (Cheri) was a fly on the wall watching in the dream. She had the feeling that Biden was like “Scar” in The Lion King and that he had killed the true king. She felt that his followers were like the hyenas. When she woke from the dream she told us we would see this happen on television very soon.

One response to “My moms last dream….”

  1. pandamaster888 Avatar

    I can so see the possibility of this dream.  If not China, then India…  Either way, the message that our country needs to be self-sufficient (as has been our strength across the generations) is clear.  There is NO country in the world that prays more for the success of America and Americans than the people who live here in our country.  Pandering to the interests of foreign governments at the expense of our own is a complete fail!  Moreover, if there are not a sufficient number of Americans united in prayer for the success of America, then our freedoms are at risk.

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