Last week 3/26/20 I dreamed I was going into a church that looked beautiful from a distance. It was Victorian looking and there was a worship service going. I heard the worship and it sounded very digital and like a show or a performance. Not directed towards God.

I saw a man I knew 20 years ago from a big church I attended that collapsed & he was about to preach.

Then I am standing next to President Trump. He is putting his coat away to go sit down but as he closes the closet it cracks and falls apart like termites ate the wood but it was water logged. I then pressed on a door frame and the same thing happened. It was as though termites or water had eaten the whole house. Up close I could see years of white paint brush strokes on the walls to attempt to keep it nice. I began yelling this house is going to fall, get out!!! Trump went and helped the kids get out safely. I ran and broke through a wall and many followed. The house still didn’t collapse so I went back in and stood there and watched as ppl went on like nothing was wrong. I knew in my gut it would go down and could only have been held together by God. End.

The church will experience judgement. God alone can judge because He knows the intents of man’s heart. Leave the judgement to God and pray for those who have been warned and have not heeded the warnings or understood the word of God. God wants transparency in His Bride. He will get us there. A whole new system is necessary, a new wine skin.

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