Dream of Witchcraft in Church


I had a dream that I was at a worship event in a big theater. There was a man on stage leading it as well as a worship team. The man asked those who want healing to come forward and for us in the front to lay hands on them. As I did this I felt sick to my stomach like I was going to throw up. The man fell over and convulsed when my hand touched him. I turned around and looked and onstage behind the leader was a large dark angel. I saw this dark angel using his power to bring about lying signs and wonders. I don’t believe the man onstage had any idea the dark angel was there leading instead of Gods presence. (The enemy has the power to mimic a presence. Otherwise they could not do the lying signs and wonders. God has shown me through a gift of discernment and allowed me to feel the difference in my own experience of His presence and the enemies.) back to the dream…..

Then the worship team came and sat near me and the Lord spoke to me and said “they are just singers”. The stands we sat in then turned into a roller coaster and everyone there had their hands in the air and were enjoying the “ride”. We literally were going up and down just like a roller coaster would until it came to a crashing halt into the stage and all the instruments fell off the stage. The worship leader was standing off to the side saying, “I don’t know what to do”.

The dark angel made this all happen and he was with the leader who was Steven Furtik. Because there was a lack of worship in spirit and truth this entity was following this band and leader around. The Lord spoke to me “Elevation Worship”. They forsook Gods word and went after an experience.

~For many years the Lord has been speaking to me about witchcraft being in the church and going unseen by the leaders. When there is a move of God the enemy will always be right there to mimic and cause confusion. The Bible says to test the spirits. Don’t just believe everything you see and hear. The reality is many of the spirits that are invading the church have been doing so for many years. We have left the pure doctrine of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Leaders have trusted that if a presence is there nothing else can come in but God, but that is not the case. We are warned all over the Bible including by Jesus Himself of deception in the last days. The deception going on in the church is that satan has his own gospel and his own signs and wonders enough to have a false revival.

(2 Thessalonians) Honest believers are being deceived by it and the implications of what satan actually wants to do in the end will lead if possible even the elect away from the true Christ. I was unaware until this dream how real this deception is. This deception is happening mainly in places where experience is put above the word of God. We must have true discernment according to the Bible.

We all long for God’s presence and want to see healing and miracles. This is part of the resurrection power that Jesus promised us. Where the witchcraft comes in is where we have leaders who are gifted but do not know the word of God and are not mature in teaching it and they use the “power” given to them by the enemy to knock people over, cause chaos, screaming, shaking etc. Many times this “power” is a sign to the people that the leader is very spiritual and has some “extra anointing” that you and I don’t have. This display of satan’s power has been bought by well meaning Christians all over. How do we know the truth from the lie? We know that God warns of lying signs and wonders but how do we know what they are?

Jesus tells us that He is looking for those who worship The Father in Spirit and truth. In Spirit means the testimony and prophecy of Jesus all through the scripture. His testimony is that He died was resurrected and IS coming again very quickly. He is the first and the last and will establish His kingdom on earth when He comes. “In Truth” means the word of God in its PURE doctrine not the perverted gospels going around. Scripture has to interpret scripture and no other false doctrines can be followed. It IS possible to know God purely through His word and to worship HIM alone not a god we make up in our mind or have been taught by the false teacher. They probably didn’t mean to teach false doctrine but they slowly left the truth over time in order to please the congregation. (2 Timothy says that teachers will teach what the people want to hear rather than truth.) This is nothing new and is spoken of in the word but if we don’t read it and take it seriously we won’t see it. The Bible applies to us. We have to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.

The ACTUAL power of God will heal and deliver instantly. His power is full of peace and rest. He does the job fully. He doesn’t halfway heal and then the ailment comes back. He finishes it. He delivers. He doesn’t contradict Himself and His goal is to bring people into His kingdom. The spirit of God will not interrupt the teaching of the word of God. Satan’s goal is to cause chaos and confusion and leave the unbeliever questioning what the heck that was and for the believer to think they had an encounter with Jesus.

The question is what do we want? Do we want to look to the word and His truth and interpret it correctly and let Him lead? Or do we want an experience so bad that we forsake the word or just add a little word and do our own thing. What we choose has big implications in the spirit. God is always a redeeming God when we align ourselves with Him He always takes us further and lower than we could ever go. Our job is to die to ourselves, pick up our cross and follow our master. He does the work and the angels of God hearken unto the word of God. (Psalm 103)

Be awake and vigilant for our enemy is seeking whom he may devour. Seek truth and more will be given. There is a false revival coming and already is in the “church”.


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